Borobudur temple is the greatest Budhist temple in world. There for that temple is written in the Guiness World Record ( GWR ) with nomor claim 396 - 198. The Directur of Borobudur temple Management said, that the certivicate from GWR has been received by Him in London. The Borobudur temple is located in Magelang regency of Central Java, Indonesia. The old temple which is very glory is build between 778 - 850, by Syaelendra Dynasty. The astonishing temple is rounded by green area and near the beautifull panorama. Beside that Borobudur temple is not far from Kaliurang, that is the beautifull place as the slop of Merapi mountain. Borobudur temple is the gate of International tourism to come to Central Java Province, which many tourism object there.
The wide Borobudur temple is 123 m X 123 m and 35 m hight. There are 504 the Budist figurs over there. Beside that there are 2672 reliefs. The Borobudur temple has benn renovated on 1975 - 1982 by Indonesia goverment and UNESCO.
Untill now Borobudur temple is still used for pilgrimage by Indonesian and other countries. Borobudur temple is build by arsitec of Gunadarma. That temple is founded on 1814 by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles. He is the Guvernur Jendral England of Java.